The Christian Counsellor’s Companion


The Christian Counsellor’s Companion is a user-friendly ready reckoner for Christian counselling.

With this easy-to-navigate book at your side you will be prepared for each counselling situation.


Product Description

The Christian Counsellor’s Companion is Bible-based and Christ-centred. It is designed to assist Christians counsel their fellow-Christians. It is the ideal resource for all whose ministry, at times, involves some form of Christian counselling. Even Christians who do not officially hold pastoral positions, but are sought out by others for counsel and advice, will benefit greatly from this resource.

A host of counselling settings are grouped under five major categories:

Christian Living: e.g. faith, relationship with God, guidance, forgiveness, recovery from sin, ministry, etc.
Negative Emotions: i.e. mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, fear, guilt, grief, anger, etc.
Handling Toxic Relationships: e.g. physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, neglect, co-dependency, etc.
Addictions: including chemical dependency (drugs, alcohol and nicotine), eating disorders, gambling, sexual addictions such as pornography, etc.
Marriage & The Family: e.g. foundations for marriage, communication, in-laws, children, conflict resolution, etc. There is also a session on counselling singles in this section

In addition to these, and other, specific areas of counselling the Christian Counsellor’s Companion provides a substantial introduction to the counselling ministry, entitled Counselling Basics. This section explains some of the fundamentals of counselling, under three main categories:

1. Who Can Counsel? This helps you answer the questions:

What are the real qualifications and skills needed for effective Christian counselling?

How do I know when either I am out of my depth, or it is inappropriate for me to be counselling in a particular situation? (Referrals)

2. The Counselling Process. A basic template for every counselling situation you will be in

3. Spiritual Foundations. Learn what distinguishes Christian counselling from secular counselling and why it is crucial to keep them apart. Also, avoid the trap of change via behaviour modification (legalism) by learning the basics of grace-based counselling

The Christian Counsellor’s Companion will help you to be prepared, empowered and confident in your ministry of pastoral care.

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