
I graduated from Bible College in 1973 and have been involved in pastoral ministry ever since.
My ministry in the beginning was very legalistic – preaching condemnation and ministering death to my congregation. Quite frankly, I was a danger to the body of Christ!
Like many, I mistook the call of God for His sending me into ministry. When I knew I was called, I just wanted to do Bible College so that I could get into pastoring. I have since learned there is a huge difference between God calling us and His sending us out to minister. When God calls us, it is so that we might come to Him and sit at His feet to be taught. Until we clearly grasp the true nature of the message of the gospel we are not ready to be sent; otherwise we will be blind leaders of the blind.
As the saying goes, some were sent, the rest just went! I was one of those who just went, untaught by God. I was a product of the religious culture I belonged to; unable to differentiate between what is Bible and what is man-made religion. I just served up the same-old, same-old. I parroted a lot of things that others were saying and teaching, thinking this was ministry. Needless to say it had little impact.
Then, beginning with the epistle to the Romans, God began to teach me the gospel of grace.
My eyes were opened and my heart melted. I began to see the wonder of the true gospel. It really is the power of God unto salvation! As I learned and taught this gospel my life was changed, and those I ministered to were also transformed by the power of God.”

From Ken’s book “Grace Roots” [p63-64]
More about Ken
Ken is well known for supplying Bible Studies to small groups and resource material to Christian Ministries world-wide.
This website exists to equip and support Christian ministries and anyone needing to gain understanding of God’s grace through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Set Free Ministries, established in 1996 (not related to any church bearing the same name) is the arm for all Ken’s ministry outside the local church on the Gold Coast, New Beginnings Christian Church.
Ken ministers the grace of God and he has a unique way of sharing this message, which sets people free from legalism and striving and brings them into the liberty Jesus Christ intends for us.
Over the years many have told Ken that his teaching ministry should be made available to the wider body of Christ. Set Free Ministries was established with the goal of supplying resource material for small groups, churches and individuals.
Ken also speaks at local churches, seminars and conferences.
He travels extensively to several countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Zambia, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Philippines, etc. spreading the message of grace. While COVID 19 has curtailed travel outside of Australia for the time being, Ken has frequently been able to deliver Q&A sessions via Zoom to his international and interstate audiences.
He has authored many books and produced several training programs and DVD’s. Over 800 churches throughout Australia, as well as hundreds of small groups and Christian ministries, have used his training programs.